Peña Boulevard Bridge and Denver International Airport – Denver (USA)


Calatrava left the project for the new Denver airport after budget had been reduced by 150 million USD. Usually the costs of Calatrava´s design rise during construction, earning Calatrava more money (he makes a percentage of the final cost). Apparently reducing costs to adapt to new situations is not a challenge favoured by  Calatrava.

The following are crude notes and links I have gathered during my research. The information may be in various languages and is being updated during the research process until a full article is written.

Megalomane drijvende kracht: Kim Day

Calatrava left after DIA pared down its budget last year from $650 million to $500 million — an amount, Calatrava’s representatives said, that would have hindered his vision for the project. (Although DIA had already paid Calatrava $12.9 million for his work and ultimately a further $800,000 to continue to use his designs.)

Niet gebouwd omdat Calatrava het project verliet. Project betaald door het vliegveld, en is daardoor indirect publiek geld (check).

leuk: naam van bedrijf van Calatrava dat werkte op project denver: festina lente –haast je langzaam. Latijn voor werk niet te hard, maak je niet moe.

in 2011:

voor de bouw van het denver international airport mag gebruik worden gemaakt van de tekeningen die calatrava hiervoor had gemaakt voordat hij zich uit het project terugtrok. Hiervoor betaalt het vliegveld 543.000USD voor nog openstaande rekeningen en 250.000USD voor de gebruiksrechten van tekeningen van Calatrava. In totaal heeft calatrava 13,8 miljoen USD ontvangen voor dit project.

Een enkel designonderdeel is niet toegestaan te gebruiken.

$12.9 million for two years of work on a project still in the conceptual phase.

A review of project invoices, which DIA provided to The Denver Post in response to an open-records request, shows $5.17 million in lump-sum payments for work done by Calatrava himself, mostly “visioning.” There is little accounting of what Calatrava did and how much time he spent on it — which is not unusual with star architects but isn’t always the case.

The records provide other glimpses at the cost of doing business with someone of Calatrava’s stature, including more than $640,000 spent on models and animation whose ownership is now in question.

“It’s a hard sell,” said Denver City Councilman Charlie Brown, a critic of Calatrava’s selection. “It’s just hard for the average person to comprehend this. But we won’t know whether we got our money’s worth until we find out whether we are allowed to use what we have.”

“I know, as Denver, we like to kick these high-profile international architects under the bus,” Barnes-Gelt said. “But in my opinion, the real fault rests with these incredibly overstaffed, marginally competent project managers that are supposed to be overseeing the projects.”
Architect Santiago Calatrava earned as much as $475,000 a month in lump sums for his work on DIA’s South Terminal expansion project. That work, however, is mostly undefined.View the invoicessubmitted to project manager Parsons Corp., which provide more detail on Calatrava s work. .

comic image 1+textcomic image 2+textcomic image 3+text

January 24, 2012

Months after budget cuts prompted Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava to walk away fromDenver International Airport’s South Terminal redevelopment project, DIA is still moving on without him. The airport unveiled a revision to Calatrava’s designs that is hewed down in both in size and cost, amended by Gensler Architects with Denver-basedAndersonMasonDale Architects.

Puente de la Mujer – Buenos Aires (ARG)


Pedestrian bridge in Buenos Aires´harbor. The bridge was financed by a local businessman who then gave it to the city. No public funds seem to have been wasted here which makes this bridge unique.

The following are crude notes and links I have gathered during my research. The information may be in various languages and is being updated during the research process until a full article is written.

Cliente: Alberto Gonzalez
Año de Inauguración: Diciembre 2001
Longitud: 170 mt
Ancho: 6,2 mt
Presupuesto: u$ 6 000 000 aprox.

Architect Santiago Calatrava’s “Woman’s Bridge” on the Rio de la Plata is female by association; the surrounding streets are named for noteworthy women such as human rights activist Alicia Moreau de Justo. The bridge faces a new crop of trendy hotels, restaurants, and condos in Puerto Madero — and can take some credit for inspiring the neighborhood’s redevelopment.


El Puente de la Mujer, inaugurado en Diciembre del 2001, es una marca en el paisaje que no sólo permite la circulación peatonal a través de la ciudad sino que también permite el flujo continuo de agua.

Uniendo las plazas de ambos costados del Dique puerto Madero, la estructura tiene la habilidad de rotar en 90 grados, proporcionando el libre paso de las embarcaciones y sirviendo como un símbolo de la renovación del puerto de Buenos Aires.

La obra fue encargada por el empresario Alberto González quien presentó una idea del proyecto y luego lo donó a la ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Frente al desafío, el arquitecto e ingeniero español Santiago Calatrava, buscó una inspiración en algo característico de la ciudad. El resultado fue un puente de características modernistas y de gran plasticidad, que plasma la imagen de una pareja bailando tango. (yeah right, after some bottles of Argentinian wine maybe)

A moving structure by Calatrava that actually works.

Turning Torso – Malmö (SWE)


The highest building in Scandinavia. Although initially budgeted at 550 million Swedish Krona, its final cost was around 1600 million (approx 190 million €) , to be paid by a public housing company and therefore indirectly by the Swedish tax payer.

The following are crude notes and links I have gathered during my research. The information may be in various languages and is being updated during the research process until a full article is written. 

Turning Torso is the tallest building in Scandinavia and was designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrave. The 190.4 metre tall building began construction in 2001 and was completed in 2005.

Ha recibido el premio MIPIM en la feria de la construcción de Cannes (Francia) de 2005 al mejor edificio residencial del mundo.

Gebouwd op initiatief van El entonces director gerente de la cooperativa sueca de viviendas HSB (la mayor de Suecia, fundada en 1923, promotora y actual propietaria del edificio), Johnny Örbäck

lijst gegevens over de toren

In2008 werd de waarde van de toren geschat op 2 miljard kronen (300 miljoen USD)

eigenaar HSB probeert inmiddels de wolkenkrabber te evrkopen, verwacht wordt dat ze er zelfs winst op zullen maken (begin 2012).

Calatrava acepta el encargo pero sus delirantes caprichos, los errores en la cimentación y las complicaciones en la estructura del edificio, provocan que el presupuesto se desvíe hasta adquirir unas proporciones monstruosas. Este proceso se puede admirar en el documental ‘El socialista, el arquitecto y el Turning Torso’, rodado por Fredrik Gertten. A lo largo del metraje, a medida que la deuda se engorda hasta niveles estratosféricos -40 millones de coronas suecas- el pobre Johnny Örbäck se va demacrando y apagando, mientras que Calatrava luce ufano, en su salsa, derrochando dinero ajeno. Finalmente, la historia tiene un final que pone a cada uno en su sitio. La HSB quiebra. Örbäck es procesado por estafa y Calatrava finaliza su obra con otro contratista. La ‘torre socialdemócrata’ se convierte en un rascacielos con pisos de lujo para multimillonarios.

Project was begonnen om goedkope woonruimte te creëren en wordt uitenindelijk een duur project met miljonairswoningen. Calatrava mag het een mooi gebouw vinden, maar dan is er toch iets misgegaan onderweg?

Document incl geschiedenis van de toren:

Constructing buildings and ambitions – The Turning Torso case

Door Kjell Tryggestad, 2006 verbonden aan de copenhagen business school.

Belangrijk: geen directe quotes uit artikel halen.

in eerste instantie was afgesproken met Calatrava dat hij 16% zou verdienen van e totale kosten van het project. Toen de plannen steeds duurder werden is dit herzien. Project manager Ingvar Nohlin probeerde zich te houden aan het “realistische” budget van 730 miljoen SEK.  In his own words “ Dear god, I said to

him [Calatrava], this [16% contract] you can forget. The more expensive you make this

building, the more money you earn.” Instead, a fixed price contract was written that defined

the fee according to the architect’s area of responsibility. The area of responsibility had thus

to be more clearly defined and separated from coordination, apartments, and installations, like

ventilations. “ You [Calatrava] has responsibility for construction and [exterior] architecture”

This part of the total cost was estimated to 350 M. SEK. Then project management negotiated

a 15% fee on the basis of the latter and further defined it as a fixed price contract to be paid in

US dollars. “This implies that for a project of 1.5 billion [SEK], I have to pay 53 million

[SEK] for a world recognized architect, or some 3.5% [of total cost]”.

Problemen in ontwerp van calatrava´s studio:

With the drawings in their hands, concerns emerged among those responsible for structural

stability of the high rising building. During the meeting a question was posed to the

representative from the Calatrava office. He was asked to locate the ‘resultant’ for the

building (measuring the vertical axis of the construction). The resultant was pointed out in the

drawings to the structural checker, which replied that the building was not stable. The main

argument was that the radius at the base was too small, and that the estimated ‘resultant’ was

outside the structural core of the building. Relocating the dislocated resultant would require a

different set of architectural drawings that added width to the radius, and hence more concrete

and steel reinforcements at the structural core.

There was also a related issue, concerning the structural stability of the floors below ground

level. According to the project management and the structural checker there were too many

doors and holes in the walls, which made the construction less stable. Uiteindelijk bleek de ontworpen basis niet stabiel. Dit gaf het probleem dat de bowu al was begonnen zonder dat duidelijk was hoe de fundamenten en ondergronds verdiepingen er uit zouden moeten zien. Uiteindelijk kreeg de toren twee ondergrondse verdiepingen in plaats van 4. In plaats van de verdiepingen kwam puur beton en ijzer. Dit gaf extra stabiliteit aan de toren en was bovendien kostenbesparend. Op dit moment werd het budget bijgesteld naar 850 miljoen SEK.

Instead of being a pro-active controlling device in the hands of project

management, the budget had turned into a rather re-active and badly updated version of the

accounting ledger already in use.

Hierna bleek de bovengrondse constructie niet stabiel. Na verloop van tijd zouden de delen die het verst van de centrale ruggegraat van het gebouw af stonden loslaten en naar beneden hangen. Calatrava besloot uiteindelijk nieuwe ontwerptekeningen te maken. “ If he [Calatrava] had not

changed at this particular point, it would have gone to hell, to put it frankly. We would not

have approved it. We would never have done that”

vertragingen traden op.. The delays might also have been furthered by the

workload at the Calatrava office “ to be honest, capacity can also be involved. During this

period, the office had an exceptionally amount of spectacular projects to draw and build, like

the Olympic stadium in Athens”.

Het originele plan was dat appartementen verkocht zouden worden aan toekomstige eigenaren die vervolgens hun eigen eisen konden overleggen met het bedrijf dat verantwoordelijk was voor het ontwerpen van de binnekant van het gebouw. Dit bleek in de praktijk onmogelijk en korte tijd nadat enkele appartementen verkocht waren, besloot hsb dat appartementen verhuurd zouden worden. Zo werd hsb eigenaar van de appartementen en kon het zelf besluiten nemen over een meer uniforme inrichting van de appartementen.

2004: Op deze manier werd de woningcorporatie hsb steeds meer een commercieel bedrijf dat voorbij leek te gaan aan zijn oorspronkelijke doel: zorgen voor betaalbare huizen voor de zweden. Toen de kosten van het project maar bleven oplopen trokken sommige investeerders hun geld terug uit hsb en werd de voorzitter vervangen.


of keeping their savings and investments in the federation, some local members now started to

withdraw their capital and opened new accounts in an ordinary bank. Spokespersons for

emerging concerned groups, like the national association for cheap housing, claimed the 25

Turning Torso to be a phallic symbol and a severe deviation from the social values that once

governed the federation.

During the years that followed the decision to start the project the budget was revised on

numerous occasions. As it were the direction of these revisions was almost without exception

to take into account unexpected increases in costs, most notably for increased quantities of

steel and concrete and by implication, prolonged time for construction and increased total


Het rapport verklaart hoe het budget van het project zo uit de hand kon lopen (P25 >):

Instead of being a pro-active controlling device in the hands of project

management, the budget had turned into a rather re-active and badly updated version of the

accounting ledger already in use.

The successive transformation of the budget for total project costs; from

being this pro-active management control tool, to becoming a re-active tool hardly discernable

from the accounting ledger, is intriguing. How can these changes in the role of the budget be


Bij de internationale presentatie van het gebouw ontweek Calatrava de vraag waarom hij de kosten van het gebouw in eerste instantie zo verkeerd had ingeschat:

“There is nothing wrong, and you are sitting here on the 54th floor. The building is very

stable and solid. As an engineer I know that. If there were something wrong you would

not be sitting here. It is also a beautiful building, and you have to understand that it is not

one made according to standards. It is an innovative building”.

The new CEO and project owner supplied the architect by explaining,

“If anything was wrong, it was the first budget estimations that severely underestimated

the costs of conducting such a project”. The comment by the CEO prompted another reply

from the audience. “But if the budget had been correct in the first place, we would not be

sitting here today, right? The CEO replied dryly: “That is entirely correct”.

Oftewel: als de organisatie van tevoren had geweten wat het bouwen van de toren zou kosten, hadden ze hem nooit gebouwd. Dat geldt waarschijnlijk voor veel van calatrava´s projecten.

Ambitions to construct according to the prototype turns out to be stronger than ambitions to

construct according to the two year time frame inscribed into the budget.

Again, there is a related lesson on uncertainty that

deserves to be emphasized; no one could have known in advance that the situation with the

unstable building would emerge. To know in advance what the correct budget would be like is

to ask for too much.

Chicago Spire – Chicago (USA)


Financial issues paralyzed construction of this modest 610m (2000ft) skyscraper leaving a huge hole in the ground. When building started the architect Santiago Calatrava´s wife stated people would forget about the tower´s real name as they would be calling it the “Calatrava Tower.” So far it is the “Calatrava Pit” at best…

The following are crude notes and links I have gathered during my research. The information may be in various languages and is being updated during the research process until a full article is written.

The Chicago Spire was a supertall skyscraper project in ChicagoIllinois that was abandoned in 2008 with only its foundation work completed. The construction was halted after several years of on-going financing challenges


Size matters


Calatrava´s models remind me of the movie This is Spinal Tap:


“Forget this! Fuck the napkin!” Calatrava is known to draw projects on napkins during diners with politician friends.

“There was a Stonehenge model on the stage that was in danger of being crushed… by a dwarf”

No perdáis de vista a su mujer. En la inauguración de una torre de una compañía en Chicago, su señora le espetó al presidente: “olvídese del nombre de su empresa, esta torre será conocida como la Torre Calatrava”. Hay que ser engreída.

Calatrava, un arquitecto mediocre que sabe vender

Fordham Spire

Santiago Calatrava to Chicago Spire Developer: “You owe me MONEY!!”.  By the fall of 2008, it was all beginning to unravel, with liens being placed against the project, including one for $11.3 milion from Calatrava.  One reader suggests making Calatrava’s images into posters.

Somehow, the similarity between Santiago Calatrava and Bert Gordon has never struck me before, but Crain’s Chicago Business is reporting  ( )

this afternoon that the Spanish architect has gone on strike. Claiming he hasn’t been getting paid, he’s stopping working on the Chicago Spire, and placed a $11.3 lien against Garrett Kelleher’s Shelbourne Development, with Perkins+Will filing another lien for $4.85 million. Read the full story here.

Gare TGV Saint-Exupéry – Lyon (FR)

lyon-st-exupery-gare-tgv-2Train Station to connect Lyon´s Satolas airport to France´s high speed TGV network. The building was aimed to service the 1992 Olympic Games of Albertville but was only completed in 1994. Of 70 TGV´s passing daily only 11 stop at this station.

Total cost: amounts mentioned vary between 750 million FF and 988 million FF.

The following are crude notes and links I have gathered during my research. The information may be in various languages and is being updated during the research process until a full article is written. 

Pour des raisons de prestige, la région Rhône-Alpes, et surtout son président de l’époque, Charles Millon, a souhaité un geste architectural fort. Elle a donc conclu une convention multipartite avec la SNCF, le département du Rhône, et la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie (CCI) par laquelle les collectivités locales prenaient en charge les surcoûts imputables à ce choix. Le coût de l’ensemble de la gare et des aménagements connexes se monte à 988 millions de francs 1994 (soit 151 millions d’euros) Les charges financières ont été réparties à raison de 455 millions de francs pour la région Rhône-Alpes, 235 millions pour le Département du Rhône, 38 millions pour la CCI et 260 millions pour la SNCF.

Until 2000 the station was called: Lyon-Satolas TGV

Gare__Lyon_Saint_Exupery 6-gare-de-saint-exupery 32266374_23d2232507 Lyon2

I have used this train station myself a couple of years ago to catch a TGV to Grenoble. The vast building makes more than anything a desolate impression. Pictures as showed here display an ordinary day at St Exupéry. From the inside I did not have the impression of being inside a dome of architecture. At least there were toilets.

Toutefois, cinq ans après l’ouverture de la gare, la connexion train-avion reste marginale : peu de trains s’y arrêtent, et seuls une cinquantaine de voyageurs en moyenne réalisent une correspondance entre TGV et avion7. En 2006, le nombre de voyageurs quotidiens atteint 1099 en moyenne (ce nombre correspond à environ 6 % du nombre de passagers partant de- ou arrivant à l’aéroport en avion), mais seulement une centaine d’eux (9 %) sont des voyageurs intermodaux8. Des élus et des journalistes ont en conséquence dénoncé un gaspillage d’argent public9.

Le montant des travaux de la gare est de 880 millions de francs, financés à :

  • 46 % par la Région ;
  • 26 % par la SNCF ;
  • 24 % par le Conseil Général ;
  • 4 % par la Chambre de Commerce.

er zijn vragen of het station van satolas/st exupery wel zo hard nodig was. het is een soort derde tgv station van lyon geworden, meer dan een directe snelle aansluiting op het ernaast gelegen vliegveld. de bedoeling was dat de combinatie vliegveld + tgv van satolas een belangrijk verkeersknooppunt zou maken, maar dat is niet gelukt. Terugdenkend aan het lege treinstation kan ik dat alleen maar beamen.

artikel: een studie over het ontwikkelingsperspectief van satolas:  le devenir de satolas door François Plassard, directeur van de afdeling onderzoek van het Laboratoire d´Economie des Transports in Lyon.

youtube: filmpje bij oplevering station in 1994:

artikel uit 1997 over projecten van geldverspilling in frankrijk. onder andere satolas: maar 500 reizigers per dag. van de 70 tgv´s stoppen er maar 11.

Obelisco de la Caja – Madrid (ESP)


The then flourishing bank Caja Madrid decided to present this Calatrava designed Spire as a gift to the city of Madrid. The construction´s costs of 12 million were double those budgeted beforehand so the bank asked the city of Madrid to pay a part of her own present. When the city refused, the bank (a “caja” meaning its objective is not to make a profit but to share it´s profits for the good of local society) decided to cut back agreed contributions on social projects in the city.

The original design measured 120m which was reduced to 93 m because it turned out the architect Calatrava had not taken into account the many (metro) tunnels nearby meaning a 120m spire would be too heavy.

500 hydraulically moving bronze plates should give the spire the impression of being in movement. This however turned out to be so expensive (150.000€ per year) that the tower is now only put in motion a maximum of a couple of days a year.

Lesson: Think twice when you are offered a Calatrava…

The following are crude notes and links I have gathered during my research. The information may be in various languages and is being updated during the research process until a full article is written.

Begrootte kosten: 6 miljoen Euro

Werkelijke kosten: 12 miljoen

Een goudkleurige zuil van 93 meter die door bank Caja Madrid aan de stad werd geschonken. De productie van de zuil werd veel duurder dan gepland (wat vreemd met calatrava) en de bank vroeg de stad madrid om voor een deel mee te betalen aan haar eigen kadootje. De stad ging niet akkoord waarna de Caja Madrid (cajas zijn banken officieel zonder winstoogmerk die hun winsten via stichtingen en goede doelen teruggeven aan de samenleving) besloot minder geld te besteden aan hun al lopende projecten in madrid om zo dat geld in de zuil te steken.

Op het originele ontwerp was de zuil meer dan 120 meter hoog maar dit bleek onmogelijk vanwege problemen met de ondergrond. Calatrava had geen rekening gehouden met metro- en onderhoudstunnels, waarna de aangepaste zuil gebouwd werd op drie ijzeren poten en de hoogte gereduceerd werd tot 93 meter.

Het idee was dat de 500 bronzen platen zouden bewegen op aandrijving van een hidraulische motoren zodat het leek of de zuil om zijn as draaide. In werkelijkheid bleek het zo duur te zijn de machinerie enkele dagen per week te laten draaien (150.000€ per jaar) dat de zuil nauwelijks in werking werd gezet. Lekker kadootje. In feb 2012 gaf de wethouder van cultuur aan dat hij het project met bankia, de opvolger van caja madrid wilde bekijken om hen te vragen (een deel van) de kosten voor hun rekening te nemen.

Opera de Palma – Palma de Mallorca (ESP)


This case is currently being investigated by the courts. Calatrava, who was initially acused has been acquitted by judge Castro. The investigation continues however, focusing on former president Jaume Matas.

During a meal with local Matas (now in jail for corruption for another case) Calatrava drew a plan for a prestigious opera building on a napkin. Little did Matas know Calatrava was selling him an old project that was rejected in 1989 by the swiss city of Luzern. Matas accepted as he hoped the ambitious project might help him win the upcoming elections. Calatrava received 1,2 million € for a cartboard model and some videos of this project that was never seriously considered by anyone.

The following are crude notes and links I have gathered during my research. The information may be in various languages and is being updated during the research process until a full article is written. 

From the Spinal Tap movie: “Forget this! Fuck the napkin!” Calatrava is known to draw projects on napkins during diners with politician friends.


Wait! The roof opens and closes! How original for Calatrava!


The original 1989 design.

Corruptiezaak op mallorca waar een peperdure wielerbaan werd neergelegd.

Este asunto se asemejaba al destapado en el caso Palma Arena, donde se investiga el pago en 2006 del entonces presidente balear Jaume Matas de 1,2 millones de euros a Calatrava por el anteproyecto, la maqueta y unos vídeos de un palacio de la ópera.

Opera de palma

The opera house was never built. The Mallorcan government paid 1,2M € to Calatrava for which it supposedly received two cardboard models and a Power Point presentation. The affair smells of corruption: Calatrava was chosen as an arquitect for a non-existent project for which he received 1,2 M € of public money and that only served as a publicity stunt for the election of president Jaume Matas.

The case is currently before the courts because of corruption. Former president Jaume Matas, however, is already in jail after being condemned for corruption the case “Palma Arena”.

El Govern pagó 1’2 millones de euros por el anteproyecto y posteriormente abonó 120.000 euros por dos maquetas y 80.000 euros por un video promocional. Sin embargo, el proyecto y las maquetas eran exactamente las mismas que doce años antes había elaborado para la ópera deZurich, proyecto que había sido desestimado.

With claims that the ‘emblematic’ Opera Palace would ‘de-seasonalise’ tourism on the island, Calatrava was paid 1.2 million euros for the pre-project presentation design – money paid out of taxpayers’ pockets, where the hidden agenda of gaining votes was lost on few.

While some criticism was made at the time, it exploded a few weeks ago when it emerged that Calatrava designed the project in 1989 for Zurich, to be built on Lake Lucerne, as a submission for a competition to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation. Judging by the models of the two projects – the Swiss and the Mallorcan – the only difference is in functionality and an extra: in Zurich, the building was imagined to float on the lake and its use would be versatile, while in Palma the structure was envisaged to emerge from the ocean, would house an opera and had an additional commercial and recreational zone.

verantwoordelijke politici herinneren zich ineens niets meer:

el señor Calatrava tiene libertad para fijar el precio que crea conveniente, la falta es de quien acepta pagar algo así”. Y ese fue el aludido Fiol, que ahora echa balones fuera: “Yo me limité a ejecutar el mandato del consejo de Gobierno. Lo digo con la conciencia bien tranquila. No he hecho nada ilegal. Estoy tranquilo al 100%. La primera noticia que tengo de que el proyecto no era original la he leído en su diario”, afirmaba ayer Fiol.

Más debía saber Flaquer. No en vano, en 2007 llegó a afirmar que el proyecto se le había encargado un año antes a Santiago Calatrava. Ayer no recordaba los detalles. “No tengo ni idea de todo eso”, se limitaba a afirmar

Pero Fiol dice que tampoco sabe nada: ni de la antigüedad del proyecto, ni de que lo único que recibiese el Govern de Calatrava fuese una maqueta y un vídeo. Tampoco quedan claras las razones por las que los 1,2 millones que se le abonaron a un sociedad suiza a nombre de Calatrava salieran del Ibisec, una empresa pública cuya función exclusiva era construir centros educativos.

Calatrava no trajo plano. No existen. No entregó nada más que un vídeo de tres minutos y una maqueta en miniatura por la que se pagaron 80.000 euros. Por lo que los 1,2 millones tuvieron que ser para pagar la presentación de Calatrava del proyecto durante la campaña electoral de 2007, un acto que no llegó a celebrarse porque la junta electoral lo consideró un acto de partido. Y si era un acto de partido, esos 1,2 millones nunca deberían haber salido del Govern: tendría que haberlos pagado el PP.

Calatrava over de palma arena: In June 2007, Calatrava stated that the Opera House ‘is a gift for citizens’ and said that the ‘only driving force’ that led him to design the structure was his ‘profound affection and great respect’ for Palma.

Over hetzelfde ontwerp maar dan in zurich had calatrava óók gezegd dat het zo geweldig bij de omgeving paste, de omgeving van het bergachtige meer van luzern of de middellandse zee is zo verschillend, de enige overeenkomst is dat ze beide nat zijn:

Yet in an issue dedicated to Calatrava in 1992 reviewing his main designs to date, the prestigious international architecture magazine El Croquis noted of Zurich’s concrete pavilion, in what appears to be Calatrava’s words: ‘our intention was to establish a dialogue between a fine harmonic form made of modern materials and the most beautiful mountain and lake landscapes in the centre of Switzerland’. Landscapes very different to the hot and humid Mediterranean of Mallorca. Apart from not recognising the real genesis of the project, the Valencian architect made off with 1.2 million euros for a three-minute video and a model of the proposed iconic Opera House (the latter with its own 80,000 euro price tag). No plans were presented – and none actually exist.

Las Trillizas – Oviedo (ESP)


A short-lived project to build three 130 meter high inclining skyscrapers in the heart of the Spanish city of Oviedo.

The following are crude notes and links I have gathered during my research. The information may be in various languages and is being updated during the research process until a full article is written. 

También en Oviedo se proyectaron a finales de 2007 tres torres inclinadas de 130 metros de altura y 39 pisos a la entrada de la ciudad desde el norte, conocidas como las ‘trillizas’ de Calatrava, aunque posteriormente el alcalde de la ciudad descartó el proyecto por no conseguir el «consenso político ni social necesario».22


El asesor de la Unesco rechaza las ‘trillizas’

tres torres inclinadas “Trillizas” de más de 130 metros de altura cada una, pasando de las 84 viviendas previstas en el penúltimo proyecto a las 300 anunciadas en las torres.

Owner of the website expresses his regret about the three towers not being built. Let´s be happy Spain is not ruled by persons who base decisions on arguments like his. Or wait, in reality Spain is governed by even worse…

Roberto Sánchez Ramos inicio la asamblea haciendo un recorrido por los diferentes cambios que sufrió el proyecto para esta parcela (una estación de metro, un museo para la Colección Massaveu, el Palacio de Bellas Artes-Facultad de Bellas Artes, Palacio Municipal y, finalmente, los tres rascacielos). El Concejal quiso destacar de esta “operación de trileros”, cómo el Equipo de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Oviedo, con su Alcalde (Gabino de Lorenzo) a la cabeza y la anuencia del Gobierno plural de la izquierda, habían “regalado” un valiosísimo suelo público a la empresa Jovellanos XXI; y cómo, a lo largo de todo el proceso, la parte reservada para equipamientos públicos había desaparecido.


2007-12-28_IMG_2007-12-21_00.00.00__PG003G1.eps 395123_2 trillizascalatrava

Hacia tiempo que la oposición al equipo de gobierno del PP venia advirtiendo de que tal variedad de proyectos acabaria derivando en una especulación sobre los terrenos y lo que en su momento fue un espacio público pasará a ser un espacio para la especulación urbanística ya que se regala un espacio público a una empresa privada para que saque dinero con la venta de los pisos que ahí se construirán.

En el entorno del casco antiguo donde se dan una serie de connotaciones restrictivas a la construcción e incluso al ocio (no se pueden hacer conciertos) se van a elevar tres torres de tal altura que impedirán ver monumentos como la Catedral y un entorno que al visitante le agrada al llegar a la ciudad.

Parece que lo prioritario es contar con edificios de marca, como si fuesen prendas de ropa, y para ello desde los dirigentes municipales no han escatimado esfuerzos en vender o mal vender la necesidad de esas torres cuando en el casco urbano de Oviedo exite un gran número de viviendas vacías y además la construcción de viviendas sociales es nula, pero claro la histórica Vetusta que reflejó Clarín en La Regenta hace dos siglos sigue plenamente vigente, una lástima.

Palacio de Congresos – Oviedo (ESP)


Congress Center completed in 2011 in the center of the Spanish town of Oviedo. Opponents claim the building was located too close to neighboring buildings. In 2006 the building collapsed during construction, leading to a lawsuit in which Calatrava was sentenced to pay 3,5 million €.

The following are crude notes and links I have gathered during my research. The information may be in various languages and is being updated during the research process until a full article is written. 

Budgeted cost: 79 millones €

Final cost: exact amount unknown although websites mention the original budget was surpassed (350 million is mentioned but no credible source found).


Una obra que no aparece en ninguno de los libros dedicados al arquitecto porque todo el mundo, incluso sus más acérrimos defensores, admiten que se trata de una auténtica abominación. Bijnaam project: el “Centollu” Si Mies van der Rohe dijo aquello que “menos es más”, Calatrava lo tiene claro: “más es más”.

El 9 de agosto de 2006 se produjo el derrumbe del alero del Palacio de Congresos de Oviedo. A raíz de ello, la compañía de seguros Allianz interpuso una demanda contra Calatrava y su equipo.

ElTribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias condenó a los acusados a pagar 3.510.000 euros porque los consideró responsables de un fallo en el sistema de apuntalamiento, el cual no estaría correctamente calculado18 Calatrava kwam niet opdagen bij de rechtszitting. La empresa promotora, de titularidad privada, ha expresado además sus discrepancias con el equipo del arquitecto a causa de uno de los elementos más singulares del edificio: una gran visera diseñada para ser levantada, “un alarde de ingeniería” que no funciona por defectos en el complejo sistema hidráulico, pero que supuso una inversión de al menos cuatro millones de euros de un total de 350. El complejo de Calatrava en Oviedo, que alberga centro comercial, hotel de cuatro estrellas, consejerías de Cultura y Salud del Principado y aparcamiento subterráneo, en suma, la obra privada más cara nunca realizada en Asturias (79 millones de euros), fue polémico desde el principio por su ubicación -está encerrado entre edificios y solo es visible desde las zonas altas de las ciudad- y porque su tamaño es desproporcionado para el espacio en el que se levanta: sus estructuras laterales (sendos brazos en forma de “u” que rodean la cúpula central del Palacio de Congresos) rozan prácticamente con algunas viviendas. El Ayuntamiento de Oviedo, del PP, abonó una factura a Calatrava por un importe de millón y medio de euros por la redacción de tres de los proyectos para esta parcela que nunca se ejecutaron porque el consistorio los acabó desestimando: el Palacio de las Artes, la Facultad de Bellas Artes y el que iba a ser el nuevo palacio municipal.

Así, señala la inversión adicional de 6,95 millones de euros que tuvo que afrontar la empresa para dotar de movilidad a la cubierta del edificio, y que finalmente quedó fija por problemas técnicos, así como los 3,46 millones que tuvo que costear para reparar la obra tras el derrumbe en 2006 de una parte del encofrado, y otros 140.000 en otras reparaciones.

Marzo de 2003 comienza el derribo del antiguo estadio de fútbol Carlos Tartiere.
Junio de 2003: comienza la excavación en los terrenos municipales.
Agosto de 2003: se procede a realizar las labores de contención.
Octubre de 2004: se ponen en marcha las labores de cimentación.
Enero de 2005: comienza la colocación de la estructura de acero.
Septiembre de 2007: se entregan las dependencias de servicios administrativos del Principado de Asturias.
3 de marzo de 2008: acto oficial de inauguración del centro comercial.
4 de marzo de 2008: apertura oficial al público del centro comercial.
Abril de 2010: se retoman las obras después del parón por la crisis económica.
Mayo de 2011: fecha de la inauguración del Palacio.
according to owners Jovellanos XXI the mobile roof of the center is unstable.
Las mediciones sobre las cargas de la visera que soporta el arco frontal no cumplen la normativa». Los peritos de la ingeniería Calter, aportados como prueba por Jovellanos XXI, la promotora del edificio, en el juicio con demandas cruzadas contra el arquitecto Santiago Calatrava, lo repitieron varias veces y dejaron sin respuesta cómo es posible que los cálculos del arquitecto valenciano dieran un resultado completamente diferente. En realidad, afirmaron que «las cargas de vientos se disminuyeron de una manera insólita» cuando se decidió dejar cerrada la visera en el año 2011. «Cómo técnico, no sé cómo explicarlo. Lo único que se me ocurre es que se bajaron las cargas para cumplir la normativa», afirmaron los peritos.
Peritos: official engineers that investigate and value structures and construction issues. On the above website they list a couple of problems with the building.

Puente de Zubizuri / Campo Volantín- Bilbao (ESP)



Footbridge across the Nervion river, completed in 1997. The bridge has become infamous because of the glass surface that becomes very slippery when it rains (in Bilbao 128 days per year). The city solved the issue by applying tapestry -probably not the artistic haute cuisine as favored by architect Calatrava, but at least it was more practical. The tapestry caused new issues when in strong winds it would come loose and be able to lift a person from the ground.

To better connect the bridge to foot and cycling traffic routes, a footway was added by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki. Calatrava sued the city for infringement of the moral rights of his creation, a case that he won, although he was rewarded only 30.000€ instead of the modest 3 million he had claimed (Calatrava subsequently gave the money away to charity). Does this mean the artistic value of a bridge is more important than its practical use? One can only imagine how appalled Calatrava must have been when he first heard people were actually walking across his work of art! How far do the moral rights of an architect go? The city should just have torn down the whole bridge and have it replaced by a practical one, I bet moral rights would not apply.

The following are crude notes and links I have gathered during my research. The information may be in various languages and is being updated during the research process until a full article is written.


This screen shot taken from Google street view shows the bridge´s extension that Calatrava went to court about. The extension seems very practical and makes you wonder why it wasn´t part of the bridge´s project in the first place. On the other hand the style is clearly different from the actual Zubizuri bridge (let´s face it, the extension is plain ugly) so one can understand why Calatrava was not very happy when it was added to his bridge.

La pasarela de Zubizurri, construida en Bilbao (y conocida como “la de los morrazos”, por la ilimitada capacidad deslizante del material empleado), y que provocó un cruce de querellas entre el Ayuntamiento y el arquitecto que se saldó en tablas.

Het loopoppervlak van de brug is van glas. Mooi natuurlijk, maar wanneer het regent wordt de brug spiegelglad, wat geleid heeft tot veel ongelukken en valpartijen. De stad heeft er daarom in 2010 een vloerkleed op gelegd van 74 meter lengte (zie foto). Bovendien was er een probleem met de brug: hij ging wel van de ene naar de andere oever maar sloot helemaal nieaan op bestaande verkeersroutes. De stad nam een japanse architect in de arm om de brug wel te laten aanlsuiten, waarna Calatrava de stad voor de rechter daagde vanwege inbreuk op zijn intellectuele eigendom. Auteursrecht op een brug!? Calatrava wilde er 3 miljoen Euro schadevergoeding voor hebben. Hij won maar kreeg “slechts” 30.000€ die hij vervolgens schonk aan een goed doel in de stad Bilbao.

De bedoeling van de brug was dat die er zou liggen om naar te kijken. Het verhaal gaat dat Calatrava onwel werd toen hem verteld werd dat er mensen over zijn brug liepen.

Durante esta década, el Ayuntamiento ha tenido que cambiar todas las losetas de cristal –560–, y como son de diseño, cada unidad sale a 240 euros. El desembolso de las arcas municipales supera ya los 140.000 euros.–puente-zubizuri-aeropuerto-la-paloma/

The Zubizuri (Basque for “white bridge“), also called the Campo Volantin Bridge or Puente del Campo Volantin, is a tied arch footbridge across the Nervion River in Bilbao, Spain. Designed by architect Santiago Calatrava, the bridge links the Campo Volantin right bank and Uribitarte left bank of the river.